02 Dez 2022

Treno Bianco Azzurro, on the occasion of The Christmas of Wonders

The historic electromotive is active again

As part of the event "The Christmas of Wonders – An incredible journey", starting tomorrow, the electromotive of the historic Treno Bianco Azzurro will be activated and will remain active every Saturday and Sunday and all holidays until next 8 January. The first journey along the “Il Montale” tunnel is scheduled for 11.00 with return at 11.30 (it is possible to return earlier by following the pedestrian path) while the second is scheduled for 12.00 with return at 12.30.
In the afternoon there are trips at 16 with return at 16.30 and at 17.30 with return at 18.00. Any extra trips will be evaluated during the day on the basis of attendance.
For all those who have completed the stages of "The Christmas of Wonders" by validating the ticket in the 4 main attractions, the journey on the Treno Bianco Azzurro will be free, otherwise a ticket of 5 euros is required, the proceeds of which will finance the activities of the Treno Bianco Azzurro Association.