10 Mai 2023

The weekend events in San Marino

11 -14 May

A long weekend of events in the area starting tomorrow with "San Marino Eurovision Village": sports competitions, cultural and entertainment events.

Michelangelo Architect. The Drawings of Casa Buonarrotiuntil 14 May
Last days to visit the exhibition that traces the creative process of Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) in one of the fields that most characterized his artistic activity, architecture. On display a selection of drawings of great architectural works signed by the artist himself.
SUMS Palace, City of San Marino
Every day 10.00-18.00
Paid entrance
Info: sanmarinoartecultura.com/michelangelo

San Marino Eurovision Village - 11 May
Appointment tomorrow with all fans of the Eurovision Song Contest at the San Marino Eurovision Village to follow the Eurovision 2023 semi-final live from Liverpool and support the Piqued Jacks, San Marino representatives, winners of the second edition of "Una Voce per San Marino". A real music festival in Piazza Sant'Agata starting at 20.00. In case of bad weather the event will be held inside the Titano Theater.
Free admission
Info: smeurovision@gmail.com

Archidays - 11-28 May
Review of sustainable architecture and engineering
Palazzo Graziani, City of San Marino
Info: archingsm.org

Feast of the Castle of Montegiardino - from 12 to 14 May
Info: www.facebook.com/GiuntadiMontegiardino

XI Iaksa World Cup – Fesam San Marino - 13-14 May
International Martial Arts event
Multieventi Sport Domus, Serravalle
from 8.00 to 20.00
Info: www.fesam.eu

14th Libertas Trophy - 14 May
Individual national competition
Bocciodromo, Borgo Maggiore
from 9.00
Info: www.facebook.com/bocciofila.libertassanmarino

19th Red Nose Day – 14 May
Red Nose Day is the official fundraising day for the VIP Associations that are part of VIP Viviamo in Positivo Italia ODV.
Ausa Park, Dogana
from 10.30 to 18.00
Info and registration: 334.9216899 Clown Mio

San Marino Lincoln Days – until 21 May
The exhibition of the copy of the historic letter written by the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, on May 7, 1861 in response to the letter granting honorary citizenship conferred on the President by the Captains Regent, Gaetano Belluzzi and Costanzo Damiani continues.
Public Palace, Old Town
Info: www.fratellanzasanmarinoamerica.com