27 Mai 2023

The Minister of Tourism Santanchè on an official visit to the Republic of San Marino

Signed a declaration with Minister Pedini Amati on the unity of purpose for tourism development

Official visit of the Italian Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanchè to the Republic of San Marino. The appointment opened with a bilateral meeting with Minister Federico Pedini Amati at the end of which a joint declaration was signed in which the Ministers of both States confirmed their common intention to conclude a Memorandum of Understanding that strengthens and relaunches, with mutual benefit, the already existing tourist relations between San Marino and Italy. They both agreed on the importance of developing joint initiatives for the mutual promotion of tourism, of active collaboration in the organization of conferences, such as the Second European Conference of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) on Accessible Tourism, which will be held in San Marino next November, in whose organization they intend to collaborate. On the multilateral level, the Ministers welcomed the excellent cooperation existing in the various international fora in which both States take part, including UNWTO, BIE and EUSAIR. During the meeting, it was agreed to intensify the institutional relations between the two Ministries of Tourism, which are already implemented in the Territorial Tourism Table.

At the end of the meeting, Minister Daniela Santanchè was received at the Palazzo Pubblico by their Excellencies the Captains Regent in the presence of military authorities, Castle Captains (Heads of Municipalities), representatives of the Great and General Council and administrators of neighboring territories. On the occasion, the Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanchè was awarded the title of Grand Knight of the Equestrian Order of Saint Agatha.

 “As you well know - said Minister Pedini Amati during his greeting speech - the Ministry of Tourism was only recently reactivated after years of unification with other delegations but it immediately returned to the center of the Italian Government's activity. Far-sighted choice, in the light of the value that the sector has for the economy, the importance it has for history and tradition and the reputation that Italian Tourism boasts in the world. Choice honored by the commitment of Minister Santanchè. Unfortunately, the tourism sector was also the most affected sector by the Covid-19 pandemic and, shortly thereafter, by the problems relating to international mobility caused by the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Furthermore, some areas that we all consider to be highly attractive to tourists suffer more and more often the damage caused by events that are difficult to manage but have a strong impact, million-dollar damages such as those caused by the floods that Emilia Romagna was forced to face in these days and, not so many months ago, the Marche region. A unique territory that thrives on tourism and that evokes unrivaled emotions for anyone who has spent even one day of their life, areas that we all love and whose restart we must and want to support. Our Republic has taken action: men, women and organized structures have been and still are engaged in rescue and assistance. But I believe that the greatest help we can give to our friends from Emilia-Romagna is that of convincingly promoting their territories, bringing visitors from all over the world and, with them, bringing a smile back to the faces of those who make hospitality their life. With Minister Santanchè, in the coming days, in Sofia, on the occasion of the European General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization, we will announce an initiative of which we are particularly proud: the synergistic organization of the Second UNWTO European Conference on Accessible Tourism. A project consistent with the UN 2030 Agenda which asks "not to leave anyone behind" and to "guarantee everyone the right to travel" and consistent with the will of our countries to be open to all against all limits, against all discrimination and beyond all obstacles”.

 “It is a very welcome gesture -Minister Santanchè told the Regency referring to the honor that was conferred on her- a gesture that I don't consider a tribute to my person but as a testimony of the constant commitment of a whole team that in the The Ministry of Tourism, as well as the entire Italian government, makes constant efforts to strengthen and deepen friendship, collaboration and solidarity with the Republic of San Marino every day.

Friendship, collaboration and industrious solidarity are on the other hand the constant features of the ancient relationship between our Republics and in particular in the field of tourism a fundamental sector and a driving force for the economies of our Nations which more than any other demonstrates the close interconnections that bind us across borders. The dramatic events of the last few days have once again demonstrated how tourism is a highly vulnerable sector and have confirmed that the only way to support it and ensure its resilience is to work together. Allow me here to express my gratitude for the closeness shown and for the help provided by the Civil Protection of the Republic of San Marino to the areas affected by the flood. Our Ministries of Tourism -she concluded- are working to enrich the collaboration within the framework of the territorial tourism table, also placing the theme of tourism accessibility at the centre, to ensure that the welcome which is the characteristic trait of these lands is truly for everyone regardless of age or physical condition. And it is our intention to introduce this model to other nations as well, with the World Tourism Organization European conference on accessible tourism that we will co-organise.