21 Jul 2023

When it's a tradition to watch Alba sul Monte (Sunrise on the Mount)... in Concert

Five unforgettable gatherings with music and musicians in the extraordinary setting of the Orti dell'Arciprete

One of the most awaited festivals of the San Marino musical summer will be back from 23 July to 20 August. We talk about it, we are looking for indiscretions about who will be the artist of that edition, the pastry shop that will supply the legendary donuts after the concert, it is also imitated outside the territory, it has been a certainty of the musical programming for three decades. So with its XV edition it is decreed that it is a habit and a "tradition" to attend Alba sul Monte... in Concert.

The Camerata del Titano Musical Association, organizer and supporter of the project, is also proposing for 2023 a varied program of genres and rich in content, with artists who will excite and entertain.

Federico Pedini Amati – Minister of Tourism: "This event which, I want to mention again this year, was born thanks to late Romeo Morri’s will, is now a traditional summer event in San Marino. Music at dawn from the Camerata del Titano led by Maestro Ciavatta is pleasant and appreciated by visitors and tourists. "

Lazzaro Rossini – Chief of Cabinet, Ministry of Education and Culture: "The entire universe is based on frequencies, waves, vibrations. Like music. There is nothing better than Alba sul Monte and music of the Camerata del Titano to greet the new day, time passing and people waking up. It is a highly appreciated event, thank you on behalf of the Ministry of Culture Andrea Belluzzi and on my personal behalf to those who are committed to organizing it."

As per tradition, it begins on the second-last Sunday of July, the 23rd, in the spectacular and exclusive setting of the Orti dell'Arciprete behind the Basilica del Santo, a terrace that allows a unique view of a breathtaking panorama and to have an "front row seat” to see the sun rise. All this in a historic, intimate place dedicated to silence and meditation. Appointment at 6.00 in the morning with ACCORDION CONCERT ORCHESTRA. For some years it has been customary to inaugurate this series of concerts with the sound of the accordion, a staple of the latest editions which is interpreted in a new, original and different way every year. For this XV edition, the Inaugural Concert will be entrusted to a small Accordion Orchestra, led by three of the most prestigious teachers of this instrument: Paolo Vignani, Gabriele Marangoni, and Sergio Scappini. The rarefied air that blows in the Orti dell'Arciprete and the sunrise will be the ideal context for music ranging from the romanticism of Gounod and Dvorak, to the warmer and more contemporary atmospheres of Loewe and Piazzolla.

July 30th will be the turn of THE GREAT CLASSICS, not the "classical". Each edition always includes a concert of a genre other than classical music, with some element linked to the term "classical" in its broadest exception. In this case the Thunder Brothers offer a repertoire that refers to "the classics", to the hits of the blues, soul, rock, pop repertoire, with songs taken from the standards of Redding, Pickett, Prince, Mina, Brown.

Intelligent irony will be the focus of the concert on 6 August with ELECTRIC STRING TRIO (EST). Three classical musicians (violin, cello and double bass), starting from the pages of great authors such as Mozart and Rossini, enjoy teasing, deforming, bending towards bossa nova, jazz, funky rhythms. An irreverent reading which is also an opportunity to appreciate how some music from the past (heritage of common memory) can be re-read and sustain the comparison with the times.

On Sunday 13 August dances and sonatas will be the fulcrum of the Concerto for two flutes by the DUO HARMONIUS. Composed by Monica Moroni from San Marino and Raffaele Bifulco, in the atmosphere of the "Orti", the sweet and persuasive sound of the flute will trace a musical journey from medieval popular dances, through the dances of the Renaissance and Baroque courts, up to nineteenth-century fantasies. The concert will also be an opportunity to listen to how an instrument by its melodic nature creates harmonies and polyphonies of the intertwining of instruments of different registers.

Sunday 20 August, another intriguing and original concert for the last appointment with Alba sul Monte… in Concerto. The "scratch" and "mellowness" of the sound of the sax would seem really far from the "crystalline" and "limpid" sound of the harp. Even the worlds of sound to which the two instruments refer would seem really irreconcilable. Instead the ALEXANDER DUO - Alessandro Creola and Alessandra Zivieri - will succeed in creating unique atmospheres in the reinterpretation of the classics of music. Vivaldi, Piazzolla, Brumke, will relive in a new and different light, as the light of dawn is different and new every day.

At the end of the concerts, as tradition, breakfast will follow with coffee and donuts for all those present.

The event is sponsored by the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Education and Culture and organized by the Camerata del Titano Musical Association with the collaboration of the San Marino Tourism Board and the support of the Unione Mutuo Soccorso Society, Cassa di Risparmio di San Marino, the San Marino Trade and Tourism Union and the San Marino Artist.

All concerts are single entry (€ 5.00), including breakfast.

For info and booking: 337 1008856 - cameratatitano@omniway.sm
Press Office: cameratatitano@omniway.sm