18 Okt 2023

Weekend events in San Marino

22 - 24 September

Another weekend packed with events in San Marino.

European Heritage Days23 and 24 September
European Heritage Days is an initiative proposed jointly by the Council of Europe and the European Commission with the aim of strengthening and encouraging dialogue and exchange in the cultural field between European nations. This year's theme is "Living Heritage" with particular emphasis on the traditions and cultural skills that are an integral part of our heritage. To celebrate the European Heritage Days, numerous initiatives will be active in the Old Town on Saturday and Sunday: visit, historical story and free route on board the AB03 electromotive of the historic Treno Bianco-Azzurro, free 1 hour guided tours with an accessible itinerary in all the places and monuments of the Old Town, free entry to all State Museums and the Andy Warhol Exhibition.Serial Identity at Palazzo Sums and the National Gallery. Furthermore, on Saturday 23rd, at 15.20 from Palazzo SUMS, an exclusive guided tour of approximately an hour that includes the two locations of the Andy Warhol Exhibition will take place which will illustrate in a simple and engaging way the sixty works of Andy Warhol in the exhibition. Entrance to the exhibition is free, guided tour costs €7.00. On Sunday 25th, at 15.30 in Cava dei Balestrieri, the concert of the Military Band of the Republic of San Marino will be held with the participation of the Filarmonica Band “Il Risveglio” of Dogliani (CN). In case of bad weather the concert will be held at the Titano Theatre.

Casamatta Book Festfrom 22nd to 24th September
Casamatta Book Fest is the first Literary Festival of Military History. The cultural initiative includes a conference divided into three different sessions, in which various topics of military history will be addressed and illustrated by established scholars and famous YouTubers. The program also includes presentations of books by some of the most well-known and appreciated authors, with the possibility of purchasing the best military history publications produced by Italian publishing houses at a special stand. Two theater shows will also be staged focusing on war and the serious consequences it has always brought with it; on the stage of the Titano Theater the works Unknown Soldier - Fifteen by Mario Perrotta and Iris and the others - Women in War by Gioia Battista will be performed. Furthermore, special exhibitions of period vehicles and artefacts will be set up, curated by the State Library and Archives, the Stamp and Coin Museum, the Ancient Weapons Museum and the SPA Group.
Where: Titano Theatre, Piazza Sant'Agata, Palazzo Valloni, Museum of Ancient Weapons, Stamp and Coin Museum.
Free entry

Sport in Fiera23 and 24 September
Multidisciplinary event of the CONS - San Marino National Olympic Committee, which aims to raise awareness of the San Marino sports panorama among adults and children and to encourage people of all ages to practice the discipline best suited to them. Two days of sport and entertainment during which visitors will be able to receive information on the sporting offer of the San Marino Federations, try out the sports of their interest firsthand and attend performances and demonstrations scheduled for the afternoon. The little ones will have the chance to win numerous gadgets by completing the activities offered in the numerous stands of the San Marino Sports Federations.
Serravalle Sports Center, from 9.00 to 18.30.
Free entry

Pink Sonic Show24 September
Pink Sonic, the famous Pink Floyd tribute band, will perform at the Teatro Nuovo in Dogana starting from 21.00 in "Pink Sonic Show - The European Pink Floyd Experience". The setlist includes a journey through Pink Floyd's greatest successes, without forgetting the historical pieces that marked their debut.
Teatro Nuovo di Dogana, 21.00
Ticket presale on Vivaticket

Autumn Music Festival24 September
“Aristocrat” is the concert that will open the XXV Autumn Music Festival. A very rare repertoire taken exclusively from the personal musical library of the Marche nobleman Antonio Puccetti (1792 - 1841) and family. This music allows us to enter into private musical performance practice, within the domestic walls, the so-called 'home music' (hausmusik) different from 'lounge' music. Pieces will be performed (Arie, Ariette, Divertimenti, etc.) for soprano, French guitar and harpsichord by lesser-known but very interesting authors such as Luigi Caruso, Antonio Nava, Pietro Delicati. The performer will be the ArsEmble composed of Asumi Motoiama (soprano), Ettore Marchi (French guitar), Maria Elena Ceccarelli (harpsichord).
Saint Francis’ Church, Old town – 21.00
Free entry
Info: T 337 1008856 - cameratatitano@omniway.sm

Great Global Greyhound Walk – GGGW - 24 September
The "Great Global Greyhound Walk - GGGW" will be celebrated on Sunday 24 September, a walk with greyhounds organized all over the world with the aim of raising awareness of this still little-known dog breed. In San Marino the walk will take place in the Old Town starting at 14.30; this year the theme is the national flag of the organizing country so the dogs will wear blue-white bandanas with the walk logo.



Great Exhibitions in San Marino

Andy Warhol.Serial Identityfrom 8 July to 8 October
Saturday 8 July the exhibition dedicated to the American artist, father of pop art opens. More than 60 works, from important private collections and international institutions such as the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, tell the entire creative universe of Warhol, from the first drawings made for publishing and fashion, to the most important pop works.
Full price: €12.00
Reduced: €10.00
Locations and times
Palazzo Sums - City of San Marino
Open every day
From 8 July to 9 September: 09.30-18.30
From 10 September to 8 October: 10.00-18.00
National Gallery – Old Town
Open every day
From 8 July to 9 September: 09.30-18.30
From 10 September to 8 October: 09.00-17.00
The ticket offices close 30 minutes before the exhibition
Info: 0549 909421 - info@sanmarinoartecultura.com