10 Jan 2024

Soon San Marino will be the set of a film

Massimo Boldi and Neri Parenti on the Mount Titan to work on a comedy

Two of the most known protagonists of Italian comedy, the comedian Massimo Boldi and the director Neri Parenti, reached the Republic of San Marino today to meet some members of the State Congress. Boldi and Parenti, protagonists of the most famous comic film productions, accompanied by the author Gianluca Bomprezzi and the producers Fabio Boldi and Federico Saraceni, presented a film project, which the State Congress has endorsed and will support, for a production to be held on San Marino territory.

The meeting was attended by the Minister of State for Tourism Federico Pedini Amati and the Secretary of State Fabio Righi as well as representatives of the other Secretariats of State that will be involved in the initiative. At the end of the meeting, which will be followed by further executive meetings and a first draft of the script, the delegation was received in a Private Audience by the Most Excellent Captains Regent.