01 Mär 2024

Deadline March 8th to register for training courses for the qualification to operate a hospitality business

The courses are organized in collaboration with USOT

The Tourism Office of the Republic of San Marino, in collaboration with USOT - Sammarinese Union of Tourism Operators - reminds you that the deadline for submitting the application for enrollment in the training course for the qualification to carry out the hospitality business activity is set for 6.00 pm on March 8, 2024.

The training will be completely free for all hospitality businesses based in the Republic or for those who wish to start a future hospitality business. Please note that training is mandatory for those who do not meet the requirements set out in the art. 4 of Regulation 8 June 2010 n. 3.

The initiative represents the first stage of a path aimed at enhancing and strengthening training in the tourism-accommodation sector, through the constant updating of staff skills and the training of operators in order to obtain an ever-increasing degree of professionalism in the industry of welcome and hospitality.

The course is aimed at providing members with the necessary skills and professionalism to allow them to comply with the provisions of the regulations and, in particular, to be able to manage the various processes and phases into which a hospitality business is divided, responding effectively to the changes dictated by market evolutions, technological innovation and the needs to offer increasingly effective services to visitors.


  • Tuesday 12 March: room located in Via del Serrone 77/A Murata
  • Thursday 14 March: Montelupo room - Domagnano
  • Tuesday 19 March: Montelupo room - Domagnano
  • Thursday 21 March: to be confirmed

Registrations, and any clarifications, can be sent via email to the following address: info@usot.sm