20 Jun 2024

Weekend events in San Marino

21 - 23 June

 The events scheduled in San Marino on the fourth weekend of June.

52° San Marino Rally e 9° San Marino Rally Historic21 and 22 June
The San Marino Rally is back for the 52nd edition. The event boasts important titles: it will be a valid test for the Italian Gravel Rally Championship, for the Italian Historic Gravel Rally Championship, reserved for Historic Cars, as well as for the Zone Rally Cup. Departure Ceremony on 21 Friday June at 19.30 while Saturday 22 June starts at 7.00 with final arrival at 19.45 in the Old Town of San Marino. The competition includes about 64 km of special stages in the territories of the Republic of San Marino and the province of Pesaro Urbino. The headquarters will be located at the Multieventi Sport Domus.
Info: www.sanmarinorally.com - info@fams.sm

San Marino Photo Cosplay21-23 June
5th edition of the San Marino Photo Cosplay. A selected number of photographers and cosplayers will create exclusive and high-level photo sets taking advantage of a series of locations distributed throughout the territory and made available by all 9 Municipalities of the Republic. In addition, there will be workshops with leading exponents of the cosplay-themed photographic scene. New for this edition: the experience of the workshops will also be available to visitors by reservation.
From 9.00 to 20.00.
Info & reservations: www.facebook.com/smphotocosplay - photocosplay@sanmarinocomics.com

Vespa Titano Day23 June
The Vespa Titano Day, organized by the Vespa Club San Marino and now in its 10th edition, returns to San Marino with meeting and departure from Borgo Maggiore.
Info, programme & reservations: vespadaysanmarino.com

Antiques and Collectibles Market 23 June
June's edition with the market dedicated to memories and objects of the past now forgotten takes place under the arcades of Borgo Maggiore from 8.00 to 19.00.
Info: www.facebook.com/giuntaborgomaggiore

Exhibitions in San Marino

Transavanguardia. La vitalità nel contemporaneountil al 22 September
€ 8,00
Reduced: € 4,00
Palazzo Sums - Municipality of Città di San Marino
Everyday: 10.00-18.00

Mostra Personale dell'Artista Eduardo Kobrauntil 3 September
Exhibition Space - Ministry of Tourism – Old Town
Everyday: 10.00-17.30
Free entry

Domenico Maria Belzoppiuntil 30 June
Public Palace, Old Town
Ticket to visit the Public Palace

Relazioni di pace – Francobolli e Moneteuntil 31 August
Stamp and Coin Museum, Old Town
Ticket to visit the Stamp and Coin Museum

Viaggio nell'arte a 360°until 9 September
Motorworks c/o Centro Fiorina, Municipality of Domagnano
From Monday to Saturday: 10.00-19.00
Free entry upon reservation

La Titanica in Giallountil 29 June
The exhibition celebrates the historic passage of the first stage of the Tour de France on San Marino territory and is a unique opportunity to retrace the history of cycling through vintage bicycles, clothing, documents and testimonies of great champions.
Palazzo Graziani, Old Town
Everyday: 10.00-18.00
Free entry
Info: www.latitanica.org/la-mostra