04 Jul 2024

Weekend events in San Marino

5 - 7 July

The events scheduled in San Marino on the first weekend of July.

Unesco Anniversary Celebrations - 5 and 7 July
On 7 July 2008, the site San Marino and Borgo Maggiore Historic Centres and Monte Titano are inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage List. After 16 years, 7 July remains a date to be celebrated through cultural events that enhance its value.

Tre Serate di Emozioni in Rosa - from 5 to 7 July
Tre Serate di Emozioni in Rosa - Three Evenings of Emotions in Pink is a great event of music and entertainment divided into three evenings, which this year will see an all-female cast alternating on stage.

2024 European Tavball Tour San Marino- 6 and 7 July
The international Tavball tournament stops in San Marino

Festival of the Municipality of Faetano – 6 and 7 July
Traditional popular festival with music, shows, children's games and food stands.
Info: www.facebook.com/CastellodiFaetano

Exhibitions in San Marino

Transavanguardia. La vitalità nel contemporaneountil al 22 September
€ 8,00
Reduced: € 4,00
Palazzo Sums - Municipality of Città di San Marino
Everyday: 10.00-18.00

Mostra Personale dell'Artista Eduardo Kobrauntil 3 September
Exhibition Space - Ministry of Tourism – Old Town
Everyday: 10.00-17.30
Free entry

Domenico Maria Belzoppiuntil 6 September
Public Palace, Old Town
Ticket to visit the Public Palace

Relazioni di pace – Francobolli e Moneteuntil 31 August
Stamp and Coin Museum, Old Town
Ticket to visit the Stamp and Coin Museum

Viaggio nell'arte a 360°until 9 September
Motorworks c/o Centro Fiorina, Municipality of Domagnano
From Monday to Saturday: 10.00-19.00
Free entry upon reservation