21 Mär 2024

San Marino exceeds 2 million tourists

The announcement by the Minister of State Federico Pedini Amati of the result that had been missing since 2014 during the "end of legislature" Press Conference


Over 100 events for all families, crucial regulatory interventions for the sector. Data: buses and organized trips are decreasing, young people and families are growing. Foreign tourists (especially Americans) and the average number of nights spent in facilities are increasing.

Pedini Amati looks back over the four-year period: “Covid demolished tourism, we rebuilt it with attention, work, targeted interventions and international relations. I leave a healthy sector and many projects to whoever succeeds me."

The Minister of State for Tourism Federico Pedini Amati today held the first of the press conferences set to review the political activity of the legislature. In today's meeting with San Marino journalists, the Secretary of State for Tourism retraced his 4 years at the helm of the Secretariat of Contrada Omagnano, starting from the terrible pandemic which undermined the work of the first years of activity and which severely affected the tourism sector. tourism, travel and international mobility. Internationalisation, recognisability, positioning, identity and resilience are the key words of the four-year period.