07 April 2023

Angelo Duro in “Sono cambiato” (I've Changed)

The new tour of the comedian who is smashing all the ticket box offices

The brilliant and irreverent comedian Angelo Duro is coming to San Marino with his new show

“Sono cambiato” (I’ve changed) is the title of the new show by Angelo Duro which is smashing in all the theaters of Italy and therefore doubling the dates and, after a shower of requests, adding new ones.

Angelo Duro, with an inscription in large letters on the poster lets us know that he has changed, that he is no longer what he was before. And here we have a thousand doubts. How has he changed? Will he no longer be grumpy, irreverent and argumentative as before? Will he be better? Will we finally see him smile?

There are many doubts also because you never know what to expect from someone like him. Certainly the news of this change of his has increased the curiosity of thousands of people who have waited a lot to see and hear and the result is a real success.

07 - 08 April 2023

Teatro Nuovo

Price: Poltronissima € 35.00 - Gallery € 33.00
San Marino Experience
Purchase ticket


Teatro Nuovo
Piazza Marino Tini
47891 Dogana
San Marino