22 Jun 2021

1000 Miglia: the Republic of San Marino Trophy was awarded

1000 Miglia: the Republic of San Marino Trophy was awarded

San Marino, 22 June 2021 - The Republic of San Marino and 1000 Miglia are linked by a long history of friendship, testified by the traditional passage of the "most beautiful race in the world" on Mount Titano for 37 editions.

Although this year the historic cars did not race along the streets of the Republic, San Marino wanted to renew its affection for the legendary race by attending the finish line, in the city of Brescia, to award with its own prize.

The Republic of San Marino Trophy was awarded by the Ministry for Tourism to the Alessandro Gamberini / Guido Ceccardi crew on a 1930 FIAT 514, winners of the Monghidoro timed trials. The award ceremony took place on the evening of Saturday 19 June at the 1000 Miglia Museum in Brescia.