16 Jun 2023

The Public Notice (n. 1/UT/2023) for the assignment of the organization and realization of the event "Il Natale delle Meraviglie” (The Christmas of Wonders) 2023 edition is online.

San Marino, 16 June 2023 – The Minister of Tourism Federico Pedini Amati announced today, together with the Director of the Tourism Board Annachiara Sica, the publication on the www.gov.sm portal of the Public Notice with the object to identify an economic operator to whom to entrust the organization and realization of the event called "Il Natale delle Meraviglie" (The Christmas of wonders), 2023 edition. The twenty-first edition of the event will take place in the Old Town of the Republic of San Marino from 25 November 2023 to 7 January 2024, in the public-private synergy formula.

“As every year in this period we put the announcement for the organization of Il Natale delle Meraviglie online, the main event of our winter offer. It is a large and complex event for which skills are needed that few San Marino companies can boast, for this reason to have a wider choice we have decided to open it also to non-San Marino companies” declared the Minister of Tourism of the Republic of San Marino, Federico Pedini Amati.

The Notice can be consulted in the section "Bandi, Appalti e Avvisi Pubblici” ( Tenders and Public Notices) under the heading " Altri Bandi e Avvisi Pubblici” (Other Tenders and Public Notices (to view it, select the wording " GARA IN CORSO” TENDER IN PROGRESS from the drop-down menu called " STATO GARA” (TENDER STATUS).

The deadline for submitting the Application for Participation and the related documentation is set for 12:00 on Monday 17 July 2023, according to the procedures contained in the notice.

The Director of the Tourism Board, Annachiara Sica, recalled that the San Marino or non-San Marino economic operator may participate in the selection individually or, alternatively, as the Lead Partner of an aggregation of several subjects, equal to a maximum of three , including the Lead entity. The participation requirements are indicated within the Public Notice, which the Applicants will be required to satisfy, as well as the characteristics of the event. Among the essential requirements, the applicant must have organized at least one event of similar complexity to the "Christmas of Wonders" event in the last 5 years.

Interested parties may request clarifications, in relation to this Notice, formulated in written form
to the following e-mail address: amministrazione.turismo@pa.sm. The request for clarification can be forwarded up to 5 working days before the deadline for submitting the Participation Application.