22 Jun 2023

Weekend events in San Marino

22 - 25 June

The month of June continues with a weekend full of events. Numerous appointments which, in addition to the Old Town, also involve other San Marino Municipalities.

International Day of Yoga23 June

In 2014 the United Nations General Assembly established the International Yoga Day, with the support of 175 Member States, including the Republic of San Marino. The celebration day will be inaugurated at 17.30. Following, the teachers of the area will take turns to perform the Yoga protocol required by the UN and will guide the practitioners of this ancient Indian discipline, recognized throughout the world for its benefits.

At the end of the practice, a toast will be held for all participants. For those interested in participating, it is advisable to bring an adeguate mat.

Cava dei Balestrieri (San Marino Old Town). Free entry.

Special opening of the cable car until 22.00.

In case of bad weather, the event will be held at the Gymnasium of the La Quercia di Murata Elementary School, Via Erviano 34.

More information: ufficiostampa@esteri.sm Tel: 0549 885400


San Marino Photo Cosplay24 and 25 June

The event is reserved for a limited number of photographers and cosplayers and takes place throughout the territory of San Marino. Photographers and Cosplayers agree on the location and the most suitable type of costume for it, making wonderful shots and helping each other. Participants will be able to take advantage of a series of Locations (many of which are exclusive to the event) in which to set their sets.

Times: from 9.00 to 20.00.

More information: www.facebook.com/smphotocosplay


San Marino Green Festival – 24 and 25 June

The title of the San Marino – Montefeltro Green Festival is: “Don't waste. No to the waste of food, territory, things. No to the waste of time and life”. In addition to expert reports, there will be an open working group, intent on creating an extemporaneous manifesto on the issues of the fight against waste. Visual which will then be disseminated on social channels and in the school and cultural circuits of the area.

Times: Saturday from 9.30. Sunday from 9.00.

Multi-purpose hall Municipality Council of the City of San Marino – Via del Serrone n.67a, Murata.

More information: 339 3290520


Concert in honor of the Militia 25 June

This concert is repeated annually on June 25, the anniversary of the oath taken by the Border Militia Corps back in 1944, in gratitude to all the members of the Military Corps who have served and still serve the Republic and its institutions over the years.

Piazza Sant'Agata (San Marino Old Town).

In case of bad weather the concert will be held in the adjacent Teatro Titano.

Time: 21.00.

Free entry.


Domagnano Municiplity Festival – until 25 June

In the days from 22 to 25 June the annual festival of the Municipality of Domagnano returns with many reconfirmations and some exciting news. A rich program of solidarity with dinner on Thursday, music with a DJ set for the younger ones on Friday, Romagna music on Sunday and Saturday this year's big news: DOMAGNAN80, a fantastic party to celebrate the legendary 80s. Throughout the festival, there will be food stalls, craft games for children of all ages, painting exhibitions, a 1980s games room and the screening of the video "Domagnano and its history" by Gianni Selva inside the Casa del Castello.

Piazza Filippo da Sterpeto and Don Elviro Park, Domagnano.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/festadidomagnano


Un Monte di Libri – 23 June

Opening evening of the event "Un Monte di Libri" organized by the Ludoteca Pologioco in collaboration with the Lettori con la Valigia and the Municipality Council of Acquaviva. Readings, maxi bingo and market of games whose proceeds will be donated to the center of reuse. During the evening, the Municipality Council of Acquaviva will offer light refreshments to those present.

Ludoteca amphitheater – Via Nitella 1, Acquaviva.

Time: 20.30. Free entry.

In case of bad weather, the event will be held at the Ludoteca premises.

More information: www.facebook.com/lettoriconlavaligia