27 Jun 2023

Fabio Concato's Musico Ambulante Tour arrives in San Marino

Thursday 29 June at 21.00 in Campo Bruno Reffi

The San Marino stopover of Fabio Concato's Musico Ambulante Tour was presented today at the Ministry of Tourism in the presence of Federico Pedini Amati - Minister of Tourism, Annachiara Sica - Director of the Tourism Board and Daniele De Luigi – San Marino Performances. Concato was also virtually present at the press conference with a video message in which he invites his audience to the first of his summer concerts.

Fabio Concato is one of the most beautiful certainties of Italian author music, one of the few Italian singers who is closely familiar with jazz and his songs, so recognizable, have entered the history of Italian music without showing the signs of aging.

The popular Italian singer-songwriter will bring to San Marino, the first of his summer concerts, his whole world made of poetry, through unpublished musical atmospheres, from the first songs to the most recent songs passing through his great successes such as Domenica Bestiale, Guido piano, Rosalina and Fiore di Maggio.

Federico Pedini Amati - Minister of Tourism “How many people have a memory linked to Concato's songs? For all fans of this wonderful singer we wanted to create a memorable evening in our Old Town. Fabio Concato will open his summer tour here and the reception of the public who bought tickets for the event confirms the goodness of the choice. Concerts and musical events will be numerous in this long summer, have fun!”

Thursday 29 June at 21.00, the Campo Bruno Reffi stage will host Fabio Concato together with his musician friends: Ornella D'Urbano (arrangements, piano and keyboards), Stefano Casali (bass), the Sammarinese Larry Tomassini (guitars) and Gabriele Palazzi (drums). The tour, which started in October with over 50 dates, will continue throughout the summer.

The concert is sponsored by the Ministry of Tourism and is organized by San Marino Performance with the collaboration of the Tourism Board.

Tickets are still available on Vivaticket, at the Freeshop and at the resale in Campo Bruno Reffi.


Tickets can be purchased online on the Vivaticket circuit, at Freeshop – Atlante Shopping Center and in Campo Bruno Reffi starting tomorrow at the following times:
Wednesday 28 June: from 15.00 to 18.00
Thursday 29 June: from 10.00 to 18.00

Full price ticket €25.00
Reduced ticket € 15.00 reserved for children aged 6 to 12 and those accompanying disabled people.
Children under 6 who do not occupy a physical seat but who share a seat with a regularly purchased ticket enter for free.
Pets are not allowed to enter

On the occasion of the concert the cable car will be open until 24.00

In the event of bad weather forecasts indicated in the previous 24/48 hours, the event will take place at the Teatro Nuovo in Dogana.