29 Jun 2023

Weekend events in San Marino

1 - 2 July

Many appointments in San Marino this summer weekend.

Evolve Calisthenics Cup1 and 2 July
Two full days dedicated to Calisthenics in all its forms which will see athletes from all over the world compete in San Marino’s Old Town. On Saturday, starting at 9.00, the skills and freestyle championship will take place with Viktor Kamenov, world champion with over 10 years of experience, as judge. On Sunday, again at 9.00, Viktor Kamenov will hold a workshop with an intense programme; in the afternoon at 15.00 the event will continue with the streetlifting championship: judge Mattia Martinelli.
Campo Bruno Reffi
Info and registration: evolvecalisthenics.it

Tavball European Tour 2023 San Marino1 and 2 July
The international Tavball tournament which will take place on 1 July 2023 at Cava dei Balestrieri stops in San Marino. On Saturday 1st July, 24 international couples from Brazil, France, Spain, Germany, Italy and San Marino will compete for the title. During the evening there will be the semi-finals, the finals and to follow DJ sets and entertainment. A “Play with the champions" open day " will take place on Sunday 2 July with the possibility of testing one's skills with the Tavball ambassadors.
Times: Saturday from 9.00 to 24.00 and Sunday from 10.00 to 12.00
Info: info@tav-ball.com

Presentation of the book “I fagioli comunque… erano uno schifo” (The beans in any case… were disgusting) – 1 July
An event dedicated to the world of Bud Spencer and Terence Hill, the pair of Italian film actors who achieved global success with their unforgettable films, will be held on Saturday 1 July from 17.30 at Il Giardino dei Liburni. The writer from Romagna Marcello Vicini will present the book “I fagioli comunque… erano uno schifo” dedicated to the world of Bud Spencer and Terence Hill with interviews with more than 70 international figures who have worked with them. In addition there will be the signature with the special participation of Sandra Zingarelli, Eugenio Alabiso, Paolo Fondato and the presence of Fabio Medas, patron of Camperos. An aperitif will follow by reservation on 338 4149238.

Western Beans Exibition – 1 and 2 July
On the occasion of the presentation of the book “I fagioli comunque… erano uno schifo” an exhibition on the world of Bud Spencer and Terence Hill will be set up by the cartoonist Alberto Baldisserotto, author of the comics Trinità e Bambino.
Galleria Caffè c/o Galleria Cassa di Risparmio
Saturday 1 July: 15.00-17.00
Sunday 2 July: 10.00-12.00

Vespa Titano Day – 2 July
The Vespa Titano Day returns to Borgo Maggiore in its 9th edition. The Vespa enthusiasts will leave at 10.15 after a briefing and a welcome on board their vehicles for a panoramic tour of San Marino and at the end they will meet at 12.30 for a convivial lunch.
Info and bookings: vespadaysanmarino.com

Feast of the Municipality of Acquaviva – until 2 July
Info: www.facebook.com/giuntacastello.diacquaviva