27 Jun 2024

Weekend events in San Marino

27 - 30 June

The events scheduled in San Marino on last weekend of June.

Tour de France 2024, Tappa 1 - Passaggio a San Marino – 29 June
The Tour de France 2024, edition number 111, will start on 29 June for the first time in Italy. Stage 1 will start from Florence and after 205 kilometers will end in Rimini with seven challenging climbs and a passage to San Marino. The cyclists will enter San Marino from the border of Chiesanuova in the afternoon and then continue in the direction of the Città di San Marino and then towards Rimini. The Florence/Rimini stage is particularly long, the San Marino stretch is the one between the 168th and 190th kilometers and includes, at Porta San Francesco in the Old Town, the finish line of the Grand Prix of the Mountain. In Piazzale Lo Stradone there will be a giant screen that will broadcast the images of the stage from start to finish.
Info: www.letouritalia.it/tappe/tappa-1

International Day of Yoga28 June
The United Nations General Assembly officially established the International Day of Yoga in 2014, with the support of 175 Member States, including the Republic of San Marino. the event will take place at Campo Bruno Reffi. In case of bad weather the location will be the gym of Scuola Elementare La Quercia di Murata, Via Erviano 34, Murata. Participants must be equipped with a personal mat and water.
Info: ufficiostampa@esteri.sm

Festival of the Municipality of Domagnano – until 30 June
The traditional festival of the Municipality of Domagnano will take place from 27 to 30 June. A rich program with music, games for children of all ages, literary salon, food stands.
Piazza Filippo da Sterpeto e parco Don Elviro, Domagnano
Programme: ProgrammaFesta2024
Info: festadidomagnano@gmail.com

Festival of the Municipality of Acquaviva – until 30 June
Traditional popular festival with music, shows, children's games and food stands.
Piazzale Cava della Fonte
Info: www.facebook.com/giuntacastello.diacquaviva

Exhibitions in San Marino

Transavanguardia. La vitalità nel contemporaneountil al 22 September
€ 8,00
Reduced: € 4,00
Palazzo Sums - Municipality of Città di San Marino
Everyday: 10.00-18.00

Mostra Personale dell'Artista Eduardo Kobrauntil 3 September
Exhibition Space - Ministry of Tourism – Old Town
Everyday: 10.00-17.30
Free entry

Domenico Maria Belzoppiuntil 6 September
Public Palace, Old Town
Ticket to visit the Public Palace

Relazioni di pace – Francobolli e Moneteuntil 31 August
Stamp and Coin Museum, Old Town
Ticket to visit the Stamp and Coin Museum

Viaggio nell'arte a 360°until 9 September
Motorworks c/o Centro Fiorina, Municipality of Domagnano
From Monday to Saturday: 10.00-19.00
Free entry upon reservation

La Titanica in Giallountil 29 June
The exhibition celebrates the historic passage of the first stage of the Tour de France on San Marino territory and is a unique opportunity to retrace the history of cycling through vintage bicycles, clothing, documents and testimonies of great champions.
Palazzo Graziani, Old Town
Everyday: 10.00-18.00
Free entry
Info: www.latitanica.org/la-mostra