The Minister of Tourism Federico Pedini Amati in Rome
Bilateral with ENIT and meetings with Caramanna e Garavaglia
"I leave precious and solid relationships with the institutions and authorities of the world of tourism, the relationship with Italy in the tourism sector is of the highest level"
The Minister of Tourism, Federico Pedini Amati, accompanied by technicians from his Ministry and the Tourism Board, has been today a guest of ENIT, the Italian National Tourist Board, and of the new President Alessandra Priante, former Director of Europe of the World Tourism Organization (UNTourism).
On the table of the bilateral meeting was the relationship between ENIT and the Tourism Board of the Republic of San Marino, a valuable update on the project "The lovely places" which has recently obtained yet another European recognition with the allocation of funds by ETC and a constructive discussion on the project of paths and religious tourism.
The accessibility of tourism was also discussed following the International Conference on Accessible Tourism hosted by the Republic of San Marino last year. Among the topics there is also the joint participation in international trade fairs and the continuation of future collaborations that will necessarily have to continue at these levels.
On the sidelines of the Official Visit to ENIT, the Minister Federico Pedini Amati met in Montecitorio the head of tourism of Fratelli d'Italia Gianluca Caramanna with whom the discussions on the key issues of tourism have been going on for some time now, and the former Minister of Tourism, now Senator and President of the Finance Commission in the Senate, Massimo Garavaglia with whom the Minister Federico Pedini Amati has maintained a relationship of collaboration and friendship. "I maintain a strong relationship of friendship and collaboration with Federico Pedini Amati, beyond the roles," said Garavaglia. "We have worked to strengthen the Italy-San Marino relationship in the tourism sector and today - concluded the former Minister - I think that both countries benefit from this".