04 Feb 2025

The new training course for Tourist Guides and Tour Leaders is underway

The Tourism Office announces the start of the training course

The training course is aimed at those who wish to deepen their knowledge of the historical, artistic, legislative, architectural, archaeological and naturalistic heritage of the Republic of San Marino and aims to provide the knowledge and skills necessary to access the professional driving qualification exam Tourist and Tour Leader.

The course and training contents are structured into specific modules for each professional profile:
Tourist Guide (60 hours): includes modules on the history and regulation of San Marino, tourist legislation, archaeology, history of art, architecture, environment and communication techniques.
Tour Leader (30 hours): includes the historical-legislative, historical-artistic itineraries and two hours of practice.

The lessons will take place in the months of March and April 2025 and will be held on Friday afternoon and all day on Saturday.

The pre-registration procedure for the course must be carried out via the application called “IOL – Istanze On Line” www.gov.sm, accessible from the Internet portal of the Public Administration (www.cfp.sm), in the section "Training initiatives (second training )" until 13.00 on 7 March 2025.

The course is open to all those who meet the requirements established by current legislation and can be consulted on the Professional Training Center website (https://www.cfp.sm/on-line/home/corsi-di-seconda-formazione/corso -di-training-professioni-turistiche.html). 

The participation fee is €500.00 for the tour guide training course and €250.00 for the tour guide training course. Attendance will be free for those registered in the Register of Tourist Professions.