B&B Casa Artistica tra la Natura

Strada Berengario 1,47890 , RSM

The B&B Casa Artistica tra la Natura has a private room, for single or couple use and a small single room in case of a third guest in a group.

The house is shared with your host, it is very welcoming and surrounded by nature, ideal for those who love greenery, fresh air, peace and the hill breeze.

Guests have a kitchen, bathroom and terrace. Free parking is also available near the property.

Pets (max 2 small/medium sized animals) are welcome in the facility. Rate: supplement of €10.00 per night. For further details contact the property.

General info
rooms: 1
beds: 2
All services offered

Annual closing
From mid-January until the end of March

Single Use min €25.00, max €45.00
Double min €50.00, max €90.00