1st April - Investiture of the Most Excellent Captains Regent
A splendid opportunity to visit San Marino
The National Holiday of 25 March commemorates the Arengo of 1906 which marked the end of the oligarchic period and the birth of a parliament directly elected by the citizens. The Feast of the Military Corps was associated with this occasion.
The military ceremony includes the review by the Militia’s Superior Commander of the Military Corps in full uniform, lined up in front of the Ara dei Volontari, and the subsequent laying of a laurel wreath at the base of the same monument in honor of the San Marino volunteers and fallen of all wars.
The Military Corps then go, parading through the streets of the Centre, to the Basilica of Saint Marinus where the Military Chaplain celebrates Holy Mass, in suffrage for the deceased comrades.
The central moment of the day is the one that follows, when the Military Corps line up in Piazza della Libertà in front of the Public Palace. In this evocative setting, after presenting the weapons to the Most Excellent Captains Regent, and after the ritual speeches, the oath of the new recruits and the ceremony of delivery of the Medals takes place.
At the end of the festival, after the lowering of the flag, the Military Corps of the Uniformed Militia with the Band, the Council Guard, the Gendarmerie and the Fortress Guard return to their district parading through the streets of the Historic Centre.
Flag raising at Public Palace
Ara dei Volontari: the military corps are deployed along Contrada Omerelli, ready for the military parade. The Higher Command will deposit a laurel wreath at the foot of the “Ara dei Volontari”.
On to the Basilica of Saint Marinus where the Holy Mass will be held.
Return to Piazza della Libertà where the following will take place: speeches by Military and Government Authorities, oath of officers and new recruits, - delivery of the Medals of Loyalty and Military Seniority by the Most Excellent Captains Regent.
(In case of bad weather conditions, the ceremony will take place in the atrium of the Public Palace).
Lowering of the flag at Public Palace and return to the Militia District.
The programme may be subject to change