13 Jul 2021

Historica, a history of freedom

The highlight event of summer 2021 was presented


San Marino, 13 July 2021 - The central event of summer 2021 in the Republic of San Marino, HISTORICA - a history of freedom was presented to the press this morning in the presence of the Minister of Tourism Federico Pedini Amati, Paolo Nassi and Jinane Kafrouny, owners of Regency Srl, organizers of the event together with Trends srl, Wavents srl and the CERS - European Consortium of Historical Reenactments. The event, which is introduced as an evolution of the traditional Medieval Days, will take place on 23, 24 and 25 July in the streets of the old town of the city from 16.00 to 24.00.

New, unique and spectacular, HISTORICA was born from the synergy between public and private, between the Ministry of Tourism and the Tourism Board on one hand and the four companies specialized in the organization of events and shows on the other; the event will retrace the most significant moments in the history of San Marino through the narration of six historical periods. Not only the Middle Ages, therefore, but the Roman era, the Renaissance era, the Risorgimento era, the Enlightenment, World War I and II will be "staged" in an authentic format and with a strong anchoring to San Marino history.

The format of the event is totally innovative, which is not made up of a static reconstruction of scenes of civil and military life but rather it assumes all the connotations of living history, favoring the interaction between reenactors and the public and giving teaching and edutainment a crucial role.

In the re-enactment areas, therefore, you will not only be viewers, but you will be able to have a dialogue with the various characters and discover the history and the story that accompanies every camp, every scene of life or every military action. The idea is that of a narrative continuum in which the visitor will immerse himself and in which he can dialogue with the Roman legionary while he is preparing his armor as well as with the dame, dedicated to the arts of dance or acting.

A place out of time, arrival and departure of this journey is Via Gino Zani where the legendary DeLorean will be positioned, the car that made entire generations travel with their imagination with the film "Back to the Future" one of the most popular sagas in the history of Hollywood.

Here it will be possible not only to fantasize about the adventures of Marty and Doc, the protagonists of the successful trilogy, but also to be real protagonists of a journey through time: thanks to the "Historica San Marino" app it will be possible to accelerate to 88 miles per hour and find yourself suddenly in the clothes of ancient Romans, Garibaldians or British troops of World War II, take a picture and ... then jump back to 2021.

Visitors will therefore make a real journey to the past: the history of the oldest republic in the world will be told along a timeline that will flow inside the walls through re-enactments, shows, animations and scenes of groups, companies and artists both from San Marino and foreigners. There will be 90 shows offered every day and over 400 reenactors and artists involved.

Original shows those proposed in Cava dei Balestrieri which on Friday will host a page dedicated to the Middle Ages with “Historiae Sancti Marini”, an evening entirely dedicated to the historical groups of San Marino and their well-known and appreciated activities. The evening will see some of the most iconic events of the San Marino historical re-enactment; a riot of flags and drums, the thrilling Pole Shooting competition organized by the San Marino Crossbowmen Federation, and the journey to discover the history of San Marino's Cerne and their defense of the city by the Cerna dei Lunghi Archi.

On Saturday and Sunday, on the other hand, a double appointment with “A history of Freedom”, an original and exclusive show directed by Alessandro Martello, a journey suspended between a historical tale and a dreamlike journey in search of the deepest meaning of the word “Freedom”.

During the evening, historical groups will alternate on the scene to accompany the story linked to the different eras covered, shows and entertainment to give the suggestion of the different eras and a further and more inedited introspection on the concept of freedom. In fact, art, theater and music have always accompanied and often preceded the great moments of struggle for freedom. It was like this in the Middle Ages with jesters who attacked power, for example, it was like that in 1900 with popular protest songs.

The exciting final show sees man's eternal love for freedom sealed, thanks to ground choreography and exciting choreography in air in the place that more than any other represents the ancient land of freedom.

The HISTORICA program is now available online on the website www.historicasanmarino.com and on the social media channels of the event: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tik Tok. The official hashtag is #historicasanmarino

Video trailer (thanks to Evolvency) at the link: https://we.tl/t-wz7EXExtUk

Press contacts:
Tourism Board _ ufficiostampa.turismo@pa.sm | +378 (0549) 885431

Rossella Fugaro _ press@dimensioneventi.com | +39 3398613527

Statements at the press conference

“It was with great satisfaction that a great historical re-enactment event was brought back to San Marino. The old town will be able to relive the most significant moments of San Marino’s history and the atmospheres that in the past have always attracted numerous visitors, gaining great appreciation. HISTORICA was born following the announcement issued last March and will be realized thanks to the public-private synergy, between the Ministry of Tourism, the Tourism Board and Regency Srl, organizers of the event together with Trends srl, Wavents srl and the CERS - European Consortium of Historical Reenactments ". Minister of Tourism, Federico Pedini Amati.

“A multi-era event such as Historica in an important context such as that of the Republic of San Marino, is characterized by its artistic and organizational complexity, and at the same time by its immediacy of language. Hundreds of reenactors and artists will "invade" the old town which will be a real stage spread during the three days of the event, involving squares, streets and places that are symbols of San Marino’s history. To tell San Marino and its history of freedom, we will use different and complementary tools ranging from historical re-enactment to live entertainment, from teaching to experientiality, from edutainment to gaming. An approach intended for the general public who, in addition to entertainment, will be able to find opportunities for discovery, study and cultural enrichment. A real journey through time from the Roman period to the two world wars, a continuous alternation of amazement and emotions thanks to the possibility of experiencing an immersive relationship with such fascinating and distant historical periods. " Gabriele Bonvicini, Artistic Director of Historica

"Historica will not be a show to which San Marino citizens and tourists will be invited to attend, but a set of immersive experiences that will place the visitor at the center of the real action. This is the philosophy of Living History with which we wanted to cover the squares and streets of San Marino.  Attention to detail, empathic capacity and strong disclosing value: these are the characteristics of the activities proposed by the Re-enactors, that is by the San Marino and Italian reenactors who during the day will propose scenes of civil and military daily life of those who found themselves living this territory in the distant or near past. Not so much, therefore, deeds of famous leaders of which one can read in any history book, but actions of men, women and children of the people. Of those who often make history without receiving adequate attention ... precisely that attention that we are sure will not be lacking on the part of those who want to come and visit us from 23 to 25 July, "Massimo Andreoli, manager of Historica re-enactment areas and president of the CERS - European Consortium of Historical Reenactments

“Telling 1700 years of history is not an easy task but the beauty that I saw in the history of San Marino, so unique and amazing, deserved to be brought to the public in its entirety. I chose a simple and immediate language to tell this long tradition of freedom and democracy, a language made up more of images and emotions than of words. A universal language as universal is the aspiration to freedom, that freedom that will be the protagonist of every show and performance and that with different languages will never stop manifesting itself in the three days of the event. There will be over 90 daily shows that will fill the old town of San Marino and will range from ancient music to that of the 40s, from medieval jesters to nineteenth-century barkers to culminate every evening in Cava dei Balestrieri where great original productions will be staged exclusively conceived and created for San Marino and Historica. Unmissable will be the appointment with Libertas - Hymn to Freedom in Cava dei Balestrieri on Saturday and Sunday at 23.00 where a sensational choreography suspended in the sky is just waiting to reveal itself to the public in all its exciting beauty. " Alessandro Martello, director and author of the Historica 2021 concept

"We are proud to bring this event to San Marino, we are aware of the importance of giving moments of lightness to the public and never as now we believe that the old town of San Marino and its open spaces are not only a stage with a great atmosphere, but a safe place to welcome citizens and visitors ”says Rossella Fugaro, production manager.