23 Oct 2023

CioccolaTi and Casa dei Fantasmi (House of Ghosts)

Two special events in the old town centre of San Marino for the All Saints weekend

From 31 October to 5 November the Republic of San Marino will host two events dedicated to children and grown ups in the Old Town Centre of San Marino: "CioccolaTi", the new chocolate festival of San Marino and "La Casa dei Fantasmi (The House of Ghosts)". The Minister for Tourism Federico Pedini Amati states: "For the All Saints weekend and the Halloween celebrations we wanted to organize two events which attract tourists, families, visitors and residents to our old town centre. After a few years, we present again an event linked to the world of chocolate and pastry-making organized together with the San Marino Tourism Board, with an expert promoter of this type of initiative and with many partners who have chosen to support us in the organization of this tasty novelty in our event planning. Concerning the Halloween party, we are instead presenting an event dedicated to children which will be held in a space never used before and located on the ground floor of the headquarters of the Ministry for Tourism. We are certain of the success of the two events and the attractiveness they can guarantee. I thank all those who worked hard for the organization of CioccolaTi and La Casa dei Fantasmi".

Discover here Cioccolati

Discover here La Casa dei Fantasmi (The House of Ghosts)