14 Dec 2023

For the second year, the Tour Music Fest has been a great success

Many attendances in San Marino for the final stages of the Tour Music Fest 2023

This year's edition of the Tour Music Fest - Music Meeting & Festival, the final event that includes the European finals of the TMF, achieved considerable public success, consolidating its reputation as an essential event in the musical calendar of European events dedicated to the talents and music of the future.

For the second consecutive year, the splendid Republic of San Marino hosted the event, proving to be an ideal location among its fascinating theatres and the magic of the Old Town which served as backdrop to the week-long festival. Between 27 November and 2 December, San Marino became the hub of emerging European music, attracting artists from 9 nations of the continent, and thus confirming its central role in the international music scene.

The winners of the event

Nicolò Filippucci from Perugia: Artist of The Year TMF 2023
Scrop from Madrid (Spain): winner of the rapper category
Claire from Naples: winner of the singers category
Nicolò Filippucci from Perugia: winner in the singer-songwriter category
The BearBros of Verona: winners of the DJ category
Albert Breaker from Naples: winner of the DJ producer category
Stefano Bochicchio from Verona: winner of the authors category
Giuseppe Fiorenza from Milan: winner of the pianist category
Marco De Vincentis from Pescara: winner of the drummer category
ZEPE from Bari: winner of the guitar category
Known Physics from Perugia: winners of the band category
Martina Galia from Trapani: winner of the baby singer category
Polina Babiy from Austria: winner of the junior singer category
Emanuele Coletta from Rome: winner of the junior pianists category
Antonio Lo Conte from Avellino: winner of the junior drummer category
Filippo Mazzotti from Ravenna: winner of the junior guitar category
Marco Gioia from Ancona: winner of the over interpreters category
Toni Noti from Milan: winner of the over singer-songwriter category
Essence of Padua: winner of the Today press award