01 Aug 2024

Weekend events in San Marino

01 - 04 August

The events scheduled in San Marino on the first weekend of August.

International Tennis San Marino Open ATP Challenger 125 until 4 August
Edition number 31 of the International Tennis San Marino Open Championships, the event that in recent years has launched some of the protagonists of the international scene such as Holger Rune and Matteo Arnaldi.
Centro Tennis Cassa di Risparmio - Città di San Marino

51° Circuito - 2 and 3 August
Second round of the year for Scuderia San Marino, with the Circuito San Marino rally competition
Info: www.scuderiasanmarino.com

Smiaf - San Marino International Arts Festival - from 2 auntil 4 August
17th edition of the event dedicated to art in all its forms. Three days of street art performances, concerts, exhibitions and workshops flanked by outdoor activities, contests and exhibitions dedicated to extreme sports. A multitude of experiences for adults and children, totally immersed in the magic of a natural environment and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Old Town - Città di San Marino
Friday 16.00-3.00 - Saturday 14.00-3.00 - Sunday 11.00-3.00
Free admission

Alba sul Monte...in concerto4 August
A Brassy Voyage is the title of the second concert of the festival dedicated to morning concerts with Romagna Brass, an Ensemble with over ten years of activity and made up of established professionals, already in the name is inherent the good humor, the lightness linked to professionalism. A Brassy Voyage is an "ironic" journey into music, an unscrupulous journey through musical genres in which in an instant you go from Verdi to Raffaella Carrà or Secondo Casadei. The pieces performed are all original arrangements for brass quintet with two trumpets, trombone, horn and tuba bass. An ironic, engaging concert suitable for a very varied audience.
At 6.00
Entry € 5,00

Exhibitions in San Marino

Mostra Personale dell'Artista Eduardo Kobrauntil 3 September
Exhibition Space - Ministry of Tourism – Old Town
Everyday: 10.00-17.30
Free entry

Transavanguardia. La vitalità nel contemporaneountil al 22 September
€ 8,00
Reduced: € 4,00
Palazzo Sums - Municipality of Città di San Marino
Everyday: 10.00-18.00

Domenico Maria Belzoppiuntil 6 September
Public Palace, Old Town
Ticket to visit the Public Palace

Relazioni di pace – Francobolli e Moneteuntil 31 August
Stamp and Coin Museum, Old Town
Ticket to visit the Stamp and Coin Museum

Viaggio nell'arte a 360°until 9 September
Motorworks c/o Centro Fiorina, Municipality of Domagnano
From Monday to Saturday: 10.00-19.00
Free entry upon reservation

Solo di Luoghi. Dimensioni Soggettive del Territorio – until 18 August
Photographic exhibition. On display are eight series of photographs of the territory, understood as a physical, social and, for some, intimate place. A choral expression through images, created by eight of the participants in the Spazio d'Azione Visiva project. The authors of the series of photographs on display are Michele Astolfi, Laura Conti, Anna Lisa Gasperoni, Fabrizio Giardi, Marco Guidi, Nina Macina, Gionata Santi, Fulvio Zambianchi.
Palazzo Graziani – Città di San Marino
Everyday: 10.00-18.00
Free entry